Episode B31
Corgi On The Cob
Show broadcast on 26 May 2017
It's Friday, it's a Bank Holiday and Captain John Robins is flying solo, straight into the weekend. Welcome aboard this Boeing 568, destination... Great Radio. Although Robins is missing his favourite Welsh co-Pilot, fear not, crewmembers Producer Vin and Intern Trav are here to serve snacks and make sure your complimentary session ale is never empty.
On today's show we have very exciting booze news, Intern Trav has some interesting Tourism advice and we sample a taste that is just wrong in the mouth.
PLUS we have all your favourite regular features, Humblebrag of the Day, John's Shame Well and he'll also be Googling the Travel......... LIVE!
Conversations and riffs
Hold on to the last link of the podcast when John mispronounces the Radio X ale, suggesting things are going to get a bit racy heading into the bank holiday weekend.
John's Shame Well
John frees another listener of their shame.
Misjudging a Secret Santa present, which causes embarrassment and offence when the recipient opens it in front of the whole office.
More examples of that scourge of social media, the humblebrag.
When you help your Uber driver turn his struggling business around in a 10 minute chat. It's such a burden being incredibly intelligent in a world full of ignorant but happy people.
Tick Off a Taste
The gang try a new taste sensation sent in by a listener.
Trinidadian dried fruit sweets.