The Vibe Guide

The unofficial episode guide for vibe tasters of the Elis James and John Robins Podcast

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Episode B26

Robins Unleashed MK VI

Show broadcast on 11 May 2017

John sat in for Johnny Vaughan today, unleashing another Drive spectacular. Expect Petty Rage, more Shame, a chance to shine for Johnny's producer Little Si, and a brand new feature in the shape of Tech News.

Conversations and riffs

John sits in on Johnny Vaughan's show again.

Today's Petty Rage subject is festival goers who keep their festival access bracelets on for far too long after the event has finished.

Elis James' Light-Hearted Paper Review

Elis' selection of humorous stories from this week's newspapers.

Man puts health improvements down to drinking urine. Peter Andre To investigate UFOs.

John's Shame Well

John frees another listener of their shame.

Sending a screenshot of a relationship breakup text conversation to the group chat for your university musicians' society.


More examples of that scourge of social media, the humblebrag.

Being offered a cheeseburger when you've got a BAFTAs gown to fit into in a week. A champagne-damaged MacBook.

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